Saturday, April 05, 2008

I haven't written in a long time. I've been growing a baby. I've also moved two offices, looked for a new place to live, worked with our accountant on filing an extension, had a major fallout with two family members, recovered from that, read a lot about baby products and childbirth, engaged a doula, and exercised.

Despite that, I've been thinking of writing for the last few days. And though I feel the need to log off and get to bed, I decided that now's the time to make an entry. If I'm going to get into the habit, I need to start.

I have recently joined a website called CafeMom. This is basically a posting forum for mothers of all description to network. I have signed on to several groups: Breastfeeding Moms; Cloth Diapering; Deals & Steals; Due in June 2008; First Time Mamas; Organic, Natural, & Simple Living; Pregnancy; Pregnancy Knowledge; and my most recent addition, Love Your Husband!

After being accepted into the 'Love Your Husband!' group I posted to the first string I saw. This is my Top 10 Reasons I Love My Husband list.

Apr. 5, 2008 at 10:38 PM
1. He's caring. When I just had a major acid reflux attack (week 29) he walked into the bathroom and rubbed my back as I heaved.

2. He's domestic. He washes the laundry while I'm at work. He cooks dinner. He takes out the trash. He vacuums. He cleans the bathroom. He makes the bed. I never have to ask him to do these things. He just does them.

3. He's disciplined. He is physically active every day. He goes to a trainer 2x a week. But he also rides his bike, runs, lifts weights, does sit ups, & yoga at home. All because he's made a schedule for himself and he keeps to it.

4. He's an entrepreneur. He is a working freelance writer who really hustles to make ends meet. His success is really inspiring to me.

5. He's supportive of me. If I have to work late, he picks me up and makes dinner. When I talk about changing jobs, he encourages me to do what I love. He's gone to every prenatal visit. And he totally participated in our "Preparing for Childbirth Class" today.

6. He loves his family. Crazy though they are, he is close with them.

7. He's funny. I don't always laugh at his jokes, but he's cracking them anyway. Right now he's singing a song, "I am the task completer. If you are a task, I'll complete you. Do-do-do-do...."

8. He's healthy. We both are. I thought I ate well before we were together. I've gotten even more into fruits & veggies since he's been around.

9. He's stylish. He has a personal style all his own & it's sexy as hell.

10. He's a nerd. He reads sci-fi and plays video games and dreams of making robots. Without these things, he wouldn't be him.

1 comment:

redheadmomma said...

I'm cracking up at his task completion song. Maybe I should try that...

love your list! I was just thinking about how much I like your hubby. He's just such a good soul.