Monday, July 14, 2008

2 Week Well-Visit with Pediatrician

We took Tristan in for his first doctor's visit.

My son is 2 weeks, 4 days old. When he was born he weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. Today he weighed in at 9 pounds, 13 ounces. That's right. He's gained almost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. He's also 2 inches longer than he was born.

I'd intended to write more than this, but caring for baby took priority. So, I'm posting as is... More later.


pixiemama said...

M -
I'm so happy to hear your little man is growing like a weed - it's his job! I saw your comment on RHM's post and wanted to give you a few gas suggestions, things you've probably already tried but are worth mentioning:

1. Flora Baby probiotics from ReNew Life (probably an easy find at a local health food store). Sometimes babies with gas are considered colicky; sometimes probiotics ease colic.

2. Gripe Water (also available at health food stores) or

3. even better than Gripe Water is to get a liquid combo of catnip and fennel and mix a couple drops in water and give him about a teaspoon of it. It's kind of a homemade "gas drops." The fennel should soothe his tummy and the catnip will be calming for the evening.

These things saved my life when my daughter was an infant. She cried a lot. More than a lot. Especially from about 6 p.m. until about 2 a.m. every night. Did I mention it was a lot?

She also really liked a sling/wrap carrier I had that held her very close to me (a wickedly overpriced and complicated contraption that was called a Hugabub - with her it was worth its weight in gold).

And, to add to your confusion about nipple confusion - once I finally forced a pacifier on her (at four months! which was SOOO difficult) she suddenly and completely stopped crying and started sleeping like a normal infant.

hugs to you & Tristan

pixiemama said...

(as if you're not totally overloaded on unsolicited advice these days)