Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

I went to my acupuncturist today. She said that I have the strongest chi of any pregnant woman she's ever seen. That would be consistent with me being the calmest bride she'd ever seen when she evaluated me two days before the wedding.

She told me that she normally sees women in their first trimester on a weekly basis, going bi-weekly in the second trimester. She booked me four weeks out because that's how great my chi is. She said my kid is going to be strong and smart and that she won't be surprised when she sees this baby as the President of the USA in years to come.

What do you say to that?

I know that my pregnancy is progressing well. I feel healthy. Though I am tired, I know that I am strong. I haven't had any morning sickness. I am not moody. All-in-all I feel good. Some people would guess that means that I'm going to have a boy. We'll see. I think it's a girl.

I'm not the mother that is sitting here aspiring for my unborn child to rule the world. But I do hope that he or she leads an impactful life that makes the world a better place for his or her place in it. I aim to teach my baby to see the beauty in life, in ordinary, routine life. And I hope to be able to show them some of the world's wonders early to inspire him or her to go looking for more of that wonderment throughout his or her life.

I really intended to write about what I am grateful for so that the posting was up for the duration of Thanksgiving. However, I'm too tired to be able to write anymore right now. I need to be a good pregnant lady and listen to my body instead of my creative spirit.

My creative spirit is strong and getting stronger. I need to focus it and set goals for myself to ensure that I feed my soul while being a diligent and loving mother and wife.

Life is happening so quickly these days. Is it just me? Does anyone else feel the sudden change in the air?

1 comment:

redheadmomma said...

I think it's you, being pregnant. It is a time unlike any other, simply being still but building, building, building a miracle. This emanates into all surfaces of your being. It's all you. :)

And I think it'll be a girl too.