Monday, August 06, 2007


Today I visited an acupuncturist. Andrea had given me a certificate for my birthday (April 15th) but I didn't use it until today.

The session was great. As I lay on the table with needles in my pressure points, listening to the new age music that seems to be written for massage therapy and the such, I felt like I was in a state of deep meditation. I wasn't asleep but I wasn't actively thinking either. I started off thinking and observing the sensations in my body; I peeked at the needles in my arm; I felt the pulse of my heartbeat regulating.

After several minutes, I let that go. I stopped observing my body like it was a separate entity and began to relax into my unified experience. My mind stopped darting around looking for things to grasp; my nervous system coasted; my face projected this calm.

I felt rejuvenated coming out of that room.

And before I left I was given the best news I've received in months - I don't show signs of a yeast overgrowth. She explained that in people that have yeast problems that there is a filmy yellowish coating on the tongue. Mine does not have that. She looked at the supplements I've been taking (Colonix, Toxinout, Oil of Oregano, acidophilus, etc.) and said that everything I took was well chosen.

I've worked hard to get rid of the yeast...and now I have.

I'm still going to keep away from sugar because I want to be svelte on my wedding day. The dress fits now. I don't want to gain back the water weight that I lost upon quitting sugar. (I lost 8 pounds in the first 10 days of the yeast free/sugar free diet. My acupuncturist confirmed that this was water weight and not fat or muscle loss.)

I'm going to finish up with the supplements that I have been taking. I am going to maintain this diet to a lesser degree. But I can start living a normal life, stop taking so many pills & look forward to drinking champagne & eating cake at my wedding!

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