Redhead is the only person that is asking me to blog. I haven't really told anyone about this blog. But she knows - and she knows that I'd be a good blogger.
Today is Day 5 of my Yeast Free Diet. The following are my dietary restrictions as listed by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP

1. Avoid yeast–containing foods:
- Beer, wine, and all other forms of alcohol
- Breads, rolls, pretzels, pastries, cookies, and sweet rolls
- B–complex vitamins and selenium products, unless labeled “yeast–free”
- Vinegar or foods containing vinegar, such as mustard, salad dressings, pickles, barbeque sauce, mayonnaise
- Commercially prepared foods such as soups, dry roasted nuts, potato chips, soy sauce, cider, natural root beer, olives, sauerkraut
2. Avoid mold–containing and mold–supporting foods:
- Pickled, smoked or dried meats, fish, and poultry
- Cured pork bacon
- All cheese, aged or fresh
- Mushrooms
- Tempeh
- Soy sauce, tamari, and miso
- Peanuts, peanut products, and pistachios
- Herbs and teas that may be moldy
- Malt or foods containing malt
- Canned or prepared tomatoes (fresh tomatoes are fine)
3. Avoid all concentrated sugars:
- Honey, maple syrup, brown sugar
- Fruit juices (canned, bottled, or frozen)
- Dried fruits
- All processed sugar
- Anything containing high–fructose corn syrup
- High glycemic index foods
What foods can you eat in a Candida diet?
- All fresh vegetables — a large variety, raw or lightly steamed, is best; be sure to include dark green leafy vegetables.
- Fresh protein at every meal, including beef, chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, and shellfish. Organic is best, but fresh is essential.
- Complex carbohydrates, including grains (rice, buckwheat, barley, millet, couscous), whole grain oatmeal, beans (kidney, lima, red beans), and certain types of pasta (whole wheat, spelt, corn, rice). Be careful not to get too many carbs — 15 grams per meal maximum.
- Unprocessed nuts and seeds, except peanuts.
- Unrefined olive, sesame, safflower and corn oils (be sure to keep them in the refrigerator after opening to prevent spoiling).
- Lemon juice with oil for salad dressing — this may be a prepared product, but be careful to avoid any salad dressing that contains vinegar.
- Beverages such as mineral or spring water, soy milk, and unprocessed nut milks.
- Limited quantities of fruit (three daily), unless you see a reaction, then limit to twice weekly. Avoid grapes, raisins, dates, prunes and figs.
Redhead told me that I was inspiring her with my ability to maintain a positive outlook despite so many restrictions. She feels like meal planning is a challenge. She asked me about my approach to this issue. (Thanks Red, I'm glad to know that I am inspiring. I think that means that I am on the right track.)
My answer is this: I know that I have to do this for my body. I know that I desperately need to take care of myself...or my symptoms will get worse. I feel this thing (yeast) inside of me and I know that I have to starve it to death by avoiding sugar. I can't complain that I have to be conscious and resolute about each thing that I put into my mouth. It's easy. I know that what goes in my mouth is really going into my body. I want my body to be stronger. I want to be comfortable in my own skin. I want to be healthy.
I have taken photos of my food choices since the start of my diet. I will post menus and photos of our gourmet "diet" food. I am impressed with the variety of foods that I can eat. I choose to focus on those. Our dinners have been amazing. I'm looking forward to sharing.
In the present moment I am looking forward to the future. Tomorrow I will sit in the presence of the H.H. Dalai Lama (with 7,000 others) . The thought of seeing him speak gives me a thrill. I am so grateful to be able to sit in his presence and absorb his peace and ponder the knowledge that he imparts. I must get ready for bed. Tomorrow I want to be well rested and ready to learn from His Holiness.
1 comment:
My dear friend,
My apologies for not reading sooner. I had a project of two different designs, and I hated most every minute of the long process - I just didn't want to do it. So I haven't been reading blogs as of late. I will go back and read this, especially about the dalai lama - how wonderful! You said some things that I couldn't quite wrap my head around. :) Keep writing!
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